

laozai 发表于 2010-8-29 14:53:00|来自:广东珠海 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
&nbsp;&nbsp; <p jquery1283057613609="58">No.5 光源越远,光线的衰减越快,主体也越暗<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="110"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="59"><b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="111"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="60">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;这条规则指出,被摄主体的光照度与距离的平方成反比。这听起来有些复杂,其实很简单,举例说明:如果你将光源至被摄主体的距离增加1倍,那么落在主体上的光线只有距离增加前的四分之一。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="112"></b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <blockquote jquery1283057613609="19" style="DISPLAY: none;">In other words, light gets dim fast when you move it away— something to keep in mind if you’re moving your lights or your subject to change the quality of the light.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="61">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;换言之,光线会随着光源的远离而迅速衰减。这条规则我们应牢记,如果你准备移动光源或被摄主体,一定要改变光线的品质。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="113"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="20" style="DISPLAY: none;">Also remember that bouncing light—even into a shiny reflector that keeps light directional— adds to the distance it travels.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="62">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;同样还要注意的是,经过反射的光线其行进的距离也会增加,即使使用光面反光板也一样。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="114"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="21" style="DISPLAY: none;">Tip: Set your camera’s flash (pop-up or hot-shoe) to fill flash for outdoor portraits on harshly lit days. This will lighten shadows on your subject’s face but won’t affect the background exposure—it will fall off by then.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="63"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: kaiti_gb2312;">小提示:在天气条件很差的室外拍摄人像时应使用闪光灯(热靴或弹出式均可),这样即可以消除人脸部的阴影,也不会影响背景的曝光,因为闪光灯发出的光到达背景时已经弱到可以忽略不计了。</span><b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="115"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="22" style="DISPLAY: none;">6. Light falloff can be used to vary the relationship between the light on your subject and your background. If you place a light close to your subject, the falloff from the subject to the background will be more pronounced. Move the light farther from your subject, and the background will be relatively brighter.</blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp; <p jquery1283057613609="64">No.6 可以利用光线衰减改变摄影主体和背景间的关系<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="116"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="65">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="117"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="66">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;如果灯光距离拍摄主体近,主体和背景间的光照度查别会比较明显;如果灯光距离主体较远,则背景也会相应地变亮。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="118"></b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <blockquote jquery1283057613609="23" style="DISPLAY: none;">The same holds true for sidelighting: With a light close to the side of your subject, the falloff of light across the frame will be more pronounced than if the light is farther away.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="67">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;该原则同样适用于侧光:侧光源离被摄主体近时,整个画面的光线衰减将比光源离主体远时更明显。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="119"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="24" style="DISPLAY: none;">Tip: If your subject is frontlit by windowlight, keep the person close to the window to make the room’s back wall fall off in darkness. If you want some illumination on the wall, though, move the person back closer to it and away from the window.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="68"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: kaiti_gb2312;">小提示:如果被摄主体的正面光是从窗户射入的光线,那么让主体靠近窗户可以使室内的背景变暗。如果你想让室内背景更明亮,则应让主体远离窗户、靠近背景</span>。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="120"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="25" style="DISPLAY: none;">7. Frontlighting de-emphasizes texture; lighting from the side, above, or below emphasizes it. A portraitist may want to keep the light source close to the axis of the lens to suppress skin wrinkles, while a landscapist may want sidelighting to emphasize the texture of rocks, sand, and foliage. Generally, the greater the angle at which the light is positioned to the subject, the more texture is revealed.</blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp; <p jquery1283057613609="69">No.7 正面光会减弱主体的纹理,而侧光、顶光和底光则可以强化主体纹理<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="121"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="70"><br/><b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="122"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="71">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;人像摄影师通常会将光源保持在镜头的轴线附近来弱化被摄主体面部的皱纹,而风景摄影师更喜欢用侧光强调岩石、沙石和叶子的纹理。一般来说,光线方向和被摄主体角度越大,主体的纹理就越明显。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="123"></b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <blockquote jquery1283057613609="26" style="DISPLAY: none;">Tip: To retain detail in your fluffy pet’s fur, position the light source somewhat to the side rather than straight on.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="72"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: kaiti_gb2312;">小提示:想突出宠物毛茸茸的毛发时最好将光源置于侧面,比采用正面光源要好。</span><b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="124"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="27" style="DISPLAY: none;">8. Shadows create volume. That’s how photographers describe threedimensionality, the sense of seeing an image as an object in space, not projected on a flat surface.</blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp; <p jquery1283057613609="73">No.8 阴影创造立体感<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="125"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="74" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"><br/><b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="126" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="75">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;阴影是摄影师描述物体三维性的手段,它能使物体在照片中呈现出空间感,而不仅仅是物体在平面上的投影。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="127"></b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <blockquote jquery1283057613609="28" style="DISPLAY: none;">Again, lighting from the side, above, or below, by casting deeper and longer shadows, creates the sense of volume. Still-life, product, and landscape photographers use angular lighting for this reason.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="76">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;同样,侧光、顶光和底光能够在物体上投射出深而长的影子,从而制造出立体感。因此,静物、商业产品和风光摄影师喜欢使用有角度的光线。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="128"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="29" style="DISPLAY: none;">Tip: Try “Hollywood lighting” for a dramatic portrait. Position a light high above and slightly to the side of your subject, angled down, but not so much that the shadow of the nose falls more than midway down the upper lip.</blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp; <p jquery1283057613609="77"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: kaiti_gb2312;">小提示:你可以尝试使用“好莱坞照明法”来拍摄戏剧性的肖像作品。将顶光置于主体正上方稍偏的位置,调整灯光角度,使人物鼻子的阴影落在人中稍偏下的位置上</span>。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="129"></b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <blockquote jquery1283057613609="30" style="DISPLAY: none;">9. Backlight can be used as highly diffused lighting. Very few subjects are totally backlit, that is, in pure silhouette, with no light at all falling from the front. A person with his back to a bright window will have light reflected from an opposite wall falling on him. Someone standing outside with her back to bright sunlight will have light falling on her from the open sky in front of her. In either case, you’ll need to increase exposure to record the light falling on the subject—and this light will deemphasize facial texture and dimensionality.</blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp; <p jquery1283057613609="78" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;">No.9 背光可以作为高度散射的光源使用<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="130" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="79" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"><br/><b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="131" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="80" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;很少有仅仅靠背光照明的物体,也就是说正面一点儿照明都没有的纯剪影几乎没有。如果一个人站在明亮的窗户前,对面的墙壁会反射部分光线落在人身上。如果一个人在户外,即使背景是明亮的阳光,正面也会有来自天空的光线照射。无论哪种情况,要想记录落在主体上的光线,就要增加曝光,而且这些光线会减少面部的细节,削弱主体的立体感。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="132" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"></b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <blockquote jquery1283057613609="31" style="DISPLAY: none;">Tip: For spark in a backlit portrait or silhouette, try compositions that include the light source. This can drive your meter crazy, though, so bracket your exposures.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="81"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: kaiti_gb2312;">小提示:在拍摄背光照明的人像或剪影时,试着将光源纳入构图中,但是这样会导致测光表读数不准,因此可以尝试使用包围曝光法</span>。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="133"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="32" style="DISPLAY: none;">10. Light has color, even when it looks “white.” This is called color temperature, and our eye/brain computer is very adept at adjusting our perception so that we hardly notice it. Digital sensors and film, though, may record color casts where our eyes didn’t see them.</blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp; <p jquery1283057613609="82">No.10 光线是有色彩的<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="134"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="83" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"><br/><b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="135" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"></b></p><p jquery1283057613609="84">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;尽管有的时候光线看前来像“无色”的,但它其实也是有色彩的,我们称其为色温。只是我们的眼睛和大脑组成的“计算机”能够调整感知、适应变化,我们很难注意到罢了。但是数码传感器和胶片则会记录下我们看不到的色彩。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="136"></b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <blockquote jquery1283057613609="33" style="DISPLAY: none;">The color of early morning and late afternoon sunlight is warm in tone, while open shade at midday can be quite bluish. Tungsten light bulbs cast very yellow light. And any surface that light bounces off can add its color.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="85" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;清晨和傍晚的阳光拥有温暖的色调,中午阳光投射的阴影则会变的很蓝。钨丝灯光明显偏黄,而且反射这种光线的表面也会呈现出相应的颜色。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="137" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="34" style="DISPLAY: none;">With digital cameras, you can use the white-balance control to neutralize color casts or to emphasize them—for example, to add a warmer tone to a landscape or portrait. With slide film, you had to choose the right film for the light you’d be shooting in, or compensate with filters.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="86" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 对于数码相机而言,你可以使用白平衡功能来消除或强调光线的颜色。例如可以增加风光或人像照片中的暖色调。对于胶片电影的拍摄则必须根据拍摄环境选择适当的胶片,或者采用滤镜补偿。<b class="label bg2" jquery1283057613609="138" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"></b></p><blockquote jquery1283057613609="35" style="DISPLAY: none;">Tip: Landscapes shot on clear days can be very blue, especially in the shadows. Set your camera’s color balance to Cloudy, which acts as a warming filter for a more golden glow.</blockquote><p jquery1283057613609="87" style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;"><span style="FONT-FAMILY: kaiti_gb2312;">小提示:晴天拍摄的风光片,特别是阴影部分会非常蓝,这时将相机的白平衡设置为阴天可以在照片中增加金黄色,相当于在镜头前加了一片暖色滤镜。</span></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-8-29 14:56:11编辑过]
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