儿时,与父辈、同辈一同沉浸在书本上描绘的天安门城楼,在事后的幻想中“茁壮”成长。传统的辗转,直到当下的唐突,总在迷惑不清的词句中坚定又否定。盲从、愚昧、执着,生生不息,一切在啼笑中经历。 紫禁城的具体存在,早已被经济发展的外在文化不断侵蚀并渗透到城的里外。紫禁城的内在个性,则无一不被旧日的缰绳逐渐拉回原地。在内虚与外强的霸气中,形而上学的迷雾,一层层遮蔽着茫然的存在。就象“金水桥狮子”和“故宫里的铜狮子”,虽材质不一,但神似的霸气与好强恰恰对应了当下与过去的一致。在看似清晰却又迷惑的发展中,何时才能走出不确定时代那隐患的病变? Ma Kang's UNCERTAIN TIMES makang As a child, along with both older generations and my contemporaries, I was immersed in the fantasy of Tian’anmen. This was fostered by the descriptions of grand towers and gateways which I encountered in books. Under both the weight of centuries of tradition and contemporary illusions of grandeur, I became lost in a mist of confusing and contradictory words. My nation and I have been following the path of life with a stubbornness and naivety in the midst of both happy and bitter experiences.
华表 金水桥石狮子 工农兵雕塑 人民英雄纪念碑 太和殿 故宫里的铜狮子 天坛 圆明园 鸟巢