第三届珠海“绘城画谊”青少年绘画交流展 The 3rd “Friendship around the World” Zhuhai Painting Competition 前言 Preface 珠海“绘城画谊”青少年绘画交流展是珠海市外事局在2020年疫情背景下创办的国际友城青少年交流品牌活动,以加强中外青少年文化交流为宗旨,以城为桥、以画为媒,跨越国界、语言等障碍,在中外青少年之间搭建文化艺术的交流平台,成为中外青少年相知相亲、互学互鉴的友谊桥梁。 "Friendship around the World” Zhuhai Painting Competition is a brand event initiated by Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office in 2020 against the backdrop of COVID-19. The event is committed to enhancing the exchanges and nurturing the friendship between youngsters from Zhuhai and its international friendship cities and friendly exchange cities. The event provides a cultural and artistic exchange platform for young people home and abroad to transcend the geographical boundaries and language barriers with their paintbrushes, and serves as a bridge of friendship that enhances understanding and exchanges between the young. 2022年启动的第三届珠海“绘城画谊”青少年绘画交流展由珠海市外事局、珠海市教育局、珠海市文联、澳门政策研究和区域发展局和澳门教育及青年发展局联合主办,以“多彩世界”为主题,倡导中外青少年以画笔绘出对世界的美好想象和祝福。该活动得到德国布伦瑞克、韩国水原、俄罗斯布拉戈维申斯克、下诺夫哥罗德和南萨哈林斯克、珠海、澳门、黑河等城市青少年的踊跃参与,收到1600多幅精彩纷呈的作品,经专家评委评选,共选出55幅优秀作品、近600幅入围作品。本次展览共展出其中的52幅优秀作品。 The 3rd “Friendship Around the World” Zhuhai Painting Competition, kicked off in 2022, was co-hosted by Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office, Zhuhai Education Bureau, Zhuhai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Macao Policy Research and Regional Development Bureau and Macao Education and Youth Development Bureau. With the theme of “Colorful World”, it encouraged teenagers to convey the imagination and blessings to the world with their paintbrushes. Teenagers from Braunschweig (Germany), Suwon (ROK), Blagoveshchensk, Nizhni Novgorod, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russia), along with Chinese cities of Zhuhai, Macao, and Heihe submitted over 1600 artworks. After professional evaluation by the Jury Committee, 55 artworks for Excellent Awards and nearly 600 for Selected Awards have been selected. In this exhibition, 52 artworks for Excellent Awards are exhibited. “一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”文明因多样而交流,因交流而互鉴,因互鉴而发展。让我们共同欣赏中外青少年画笔下多彩的世界吧! “A single flower does not make spring while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.”Diversity spurs interaction among civilizations, which in turn promotes mutual learning and their further development. Let’s enjoy the“Colorful World”in the paintings by the youngsters from home and abroad. 优秀作品欣赏Award Images 韩国水原 What will bees do when spring comes(春天蜜蜂采蜜忙) KIM DAEUN Suwon, ROK
脑海中的世界(The world in your head) Juno Braunschweig, Germany 俄罗斯布拉戈维申斯克 Blagoveshchensk meets friends(找到朋友) Nikolaeva Diana Blagoveshchensk, Russia Sport is lifestyle(运动是一种生活方式) Mirlas Emilia Blagoveshchensk, Russia The connecting friends river(友谊之河) Solovieva Nadezhda Blagoveshchensk, Russia 俄罗斯下诺夫哥罗德 At the intersection(在十字路口) Zlobina Ekaterina Nizhny Novgorod, Russia In a small town(在小镇中) Peskova Anastasiya Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Nizhny Novgorod(下诺夫哥罗德) Agadjanyan Sevak Nizhny Novgorod, Russia The old street in Nizhny Novgorod(下诺夫哥罗德的古街) Markus Elizaveta Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 俄罗斯南萨哈林斯克 Evening Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk(南萨哈林斯克之夜) Kostenko Arina Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Goodness Fair(善之集市)Glinka Ekaterina Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia My mood(我的心情) Chernenko Veronica Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 中国澳门 澳门游踪(Footprints in Macao) 黄庭山 Macao, China 缤纷色彩尽显八景(Colorful New Eight Scenic Spots in Macao) 李珀豪 Macao, China 彩绘新八景(Colorful Drawing of New Eight Scenic Spots in Macao) 曹嘉慧 Macao, China 街边回忆(Memories of the Street) 黄铭渝 Macao, China 中国黑河 多彩世界 共同成长(Grow up together in the Colorful World) 李谨娴 Heihe, China 多彩世界(Colorful World) 马德礼 Heihe, China 多彩世界(Colorful World) 周宏轩 Heihe, China 中国珠海 白衣天使(Angels in White) 杨嘉佩 Zhuhai, China 曾经的故事(Stories of the Past) 陈诗逾 Zhuhai, China 茶点(Tea Refreshments) 陈可欣 Zhuhai, China 多彩世界 幸福珠海(Colorful World, Happy Zhuhai) 杨楚睿 Zhuhai, China 夺冠时刻(Moment of Winning) 方慧 Zhuhai, China 丰收(Harvest) 毛梓渝 Zhuhai, China 鼓号铿锵同心同行(Strides with Unity) 木佳琪 Zhuhai, China 海上渔港(Fishery Port) 杨雅诗 Zhuhai, China 欢唱祖国(Ode to the Motherland) 陈贤乐 Zhuhai, China 欢度春节(Celebrating Spring Festival) 桂婷婷 Zhuhai, China 家(Home) 赖洁 Zhuhai, China 家乡蓝图(Blueprint for Hometown) 李梦瑶 Zhuhai, China 莲藕之乡(Home to Lotus Roots) 朱锦园 Zhuhai, China 龙儿竞渡(Dragon Boat Racing) 何云朵 Zhuhai, China 美丽珠海,魅力澳门(Beautiful Zhuhai, Charming Macao) 余若萌 Zhuhai, China 魅力家乡(Charming Hometown) 余梦涵 Zhuhai, China 民间水上婚嫁(On-Water Wedding Ceremony) 梁馨允 Zhuhai, China 民族娃娃(Children of Ethnic Groups) 宾雪瑶 Zhuhai, China 农家乐(Agritainment) 梁韬 Zhuhai, China 农家乐(Agritainment) 谢静 Zhuhai, China 拼搏(Strive) 李欣霖 Zhuhai, China 同气连枝,共盼春来(Hope for the Spring to Come soon) 林晓均 Zhuhai, China 退休后的精彩生活(Colorful Life after Retirement) 黎于琪 Zhuhai, China 万众一心,战“疫”必胜(United, We Can Win the Battle against COVID-19) 陈思铭 Zhuhai, China 五十六个民族(56 Ethnic Groups) 江楚瑜 Zhuhai, China 夕阳之歌(Song of Sunset) 黄荣朝 Zhuhai, China 幸福家园(Happy Homeland) 涂俊 Zhuhai, China 一脉同源,龙的传人(Descendants of the Dragon) 卓少瑜 Zhuhai, China 渔(Fishing) 陶子轩 Zhuhai, China 渔港之春(Fishery Port in Spring) 邓知鑫 Zhuhai, China |