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中匈伊罗美5+国际摄影展CHIRU2022 5+Internationa Photogrphy Exhibition

2022-7-22 19:39| 发布者:zhcvl| 查看:13958| 评论:0

摘要:展示出了中国和外国的几十位摄影家的作品。作为摄影的国际交流活动平台,多年来中国摄影在线不浅余力,为摄影事业和摄影人做出了积极的奉献。 中西方的文化背景不同,对摄影语言的表达和呈现方式是有所不同的。 ...


Arts Committee  of CHIRU 2022 5+Internationa Photogrphy Exhibition 

主任 Director:

陈长芬 Mr.Chen Changfen

执行主席 Executive Chairman:

阿里·萨梅 Mr.Ali Samei 

史蒂芬·托特 Mr.Stefan Toth 

陈伟录Mr.Chen weilu   

艺术委员会Arts Committee:

阿里·萨梅 Mr.Ali Samei 陈长芬Mr.Chen Changfen 陈炳忠 Mr. CHAN Ping Chung 陈伟录Mr. Chen Weilu 洪火山Mr.HONG FO SAN  旷惠民Mr. Kuang Huimin  

黎荣照 Mr. Lai Wing Chiu  彭邦 Mr.Peng Bang  史蒂芬·托特Mr.Stefan Toth 孙成毅Mr.Sun Chengyi   张辉Mr. Zhang Hui 

欧洲摄影艺术协会 EFA (匈牙利HUNGARY  罗马尼亚ROMANIA  美国USA)


焦点摄影俱乐部 FPC (伊朗IRAN)


澳门沙龙影艺会 PSSM (中国澳门 MACAO)




    各种展览场馆,相继不断封闭停馆,给业界所带来的冲击也是前所未有的。当下网络媒介的发展和功能,为弥补这种缺陷,给了业界获得重生的机会, 至少对业界是一种解渴。







About Exhibition

The raging of the global COVID-19 pandemic has made the changes in this world even more unpredictable. Perhaps photographers, who have gradually returned to the calmness of "humanity and rationality" from the wildness, began to sort out and adjust themselves, and strategize for the future.

Various exhibition venues have been continuously closed, and the impact to the photography industry is unprecedented. The current development and function of the current network media, in order to make up for this defect, gives the industry the opportunity to obtain rebirth, at least is a kind of thirst for the industry.

China Photo Network Online(CPNO ZHUHAI)  has long insisted on both online and offline exhibition activities. At this node, it obviously presents an advantage, which lies in the accumulation over the years.

Today, the online photography exhibition we see showcases the works of dozens of photographers from China and abroad. As an international exchange activity platform for photography, China Photo Network Onlin has made great efforts over the years and has made active contributions to the photography career and photographers.

The cultural backgrounds of China and the West are different, and the expression and presentation of photographic language are different. However, this difference has found a common understanding in the category of “Photography”.

The same camera plays and plays very different roles in the hands of different photographers. From this online exhibition, we can see that the style of Chinese photographers' photographic works is undoubtedly influenced by traditional Chinese culture, and contains a kind of poetry and rhythm. Some foreign photographers' works make people feel that the author has moved life into his works, trying to let us share with them.

Based on a simple visual experience, it is difficult to make two different forms, substantive comparisons and judgments. This kind of dialogue across time and space is not blocked and limited by differences in language and words, and it allows readers to feel and understand the true meaning of the photographic work.

We can feel a communion of humanity and rationality in all photographic works. A staggered convection may be a kind of communication. It has become our responsibility to continue this international photography communion and exchange.








the COVID-19 pandemic impacting us all around the globe on different levels,including photography. Many of us were not able to see exhibition despite our initial plans to extend and diversify our locations.

In 2022, the epidemic situation in China is still severe. Under such circumstances, we still hope to introduce more excellent foreign photography organization,clubs, photographers and photography works to more Chinese friends who love photography, and also hope to continue to promote exchanges in the field of international photography.

The official website of China Photo Network Online was established in 1999 and once won the honor of China's top 50 Internet. It is a leader in the field of China's photography Internet. Since 2000, we have held international photography exhibitions every year, which have been certified by FIAP and PSA.

This year, we hope to unite with many famous and active international photography exhibition clubs in the world to start the project of international photography online exhibition,expand international photography exchanges through online exhibitions.It is a great honor that we invited photographers from Euro Foto Art Association(EFA), Focus Photo Club(FPC) and The Photography Salon Society of Macao(PSSM) in the first issue.

We look forward to more photography organizations and photographers to join this project in the future, Let's prosper photography culture together!








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