郑蔼芳 中国女摄影家协会会员 中国工业摄影协会会员 广东省摄影家协会会员 珠海市摄影家协会会员 2016年开始学习摄影,多幅作品曾在国内、省、市级摄影比赛中获奖。 Zheng Aifang Member of China Women Photographers Association Member of China Industrial Photography Association Member of Guangdong Photographers Association Member of Zhuhai Photographers Association Sudied photography since 2016, and many of works have won awards in domestic, provincial and municipal photography competitions. 《筑梦》 洪鹤大桥工程起点位于广东珠海市南屏镇洪湾互通,对接港珠澳大桥珠海连接线,对促进大湾区建设,加快西部地区经济社会发展,为城市总体发展开辟新的东西向通道。 夏天是筑桥工人最艰苦的时候,在36度多的高温下,烈日暴晒。为抗高温,他们早上很早开工,中午休息一下,晚上再挑灯夜战。这组图片记录了建设者的劳动及生活,处处体现他们为祖国建设甘于吃苦、乐于奉献的人生价值观。 工人们克服种种困难,战胜多种不利因素,积极推进施工进度,洪鹤大桥如期建成通车! Dream building The Honghe bridge project starts from the Hongwan interchange in Nanping Town, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, and connects with the Zhuhai connection line of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, which is conducive to promoting the construction of Dawan District, accelerating the economic and social development of the western region, and opening up a new East-West channel for the overall development of the city. Summer is the hardest time for bridge builders. Under the high temperature of more than 36 degrees, they are exposed to the sun. In order to resist the high temperature, they started work very early in the morning, had a rest at noon, and burned the midnight oil at night. This group of pictures records the builders' labor and life, and everywhere reflects their life values of being willing to bear hardships and be willing to contribute to the construction of the motherland. The builders overcame various difficulties, overcame various adverse factors, and actively promoted the construction progress. The Honghe bridge was completed and opened to traffic on schedule! |