彩色自由组 CAPA优异丝带 《Life with dance》 摄影:蔡至莞 PSA金牌 Manfred Karner (Austria) - Flying Cloth PSA银牌 Barry Wong (Hong Kong) - Red and White 1 PSA铜牌 Katie Mak (Canada) - CALF TIE DOWN FIAP金牌 Manfred Kluger (Germany) - dark queen-1 FIAP银牌 KA WAI LI (Hong Kong) - DANCES FIAP铜牌 Elina Gamanova (Russia) - Goga CAPA金牌 Katie Mak (Canada) - CLOUDY SAFARI CAPA银牌 Sue Chen (Australia) - Tranquility CAPA铜牌 Jie Fischer (USA) - Bird Migration 0 IAAP金牌 Margit Brühl-Zeilermayr (Austria) - VikTorya IAAP银牌 SUBRATA BYSACK (India) - DOWN THEY COME IAAP铜牌 Kathryn Delany (Canada) - Synchronicity, Kathryn Delany, Canada TCC金牌 corin spinks (England) - Puss In Boots TCC铜牌 Andrew Swinfield (Australia) - Enough is Enough |