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中国·珠海故事《活力之城 A Dynamic City》

2019-5-6 16:36| 发布者:cphoto| 查看:6927| 评论:0|来自: 感知珠海

摘要:珠海是个人文底蕴深厚的城市。400多年来,珠海一直是东西方文化与贸易的重要“走廊”,诞生了中国首位赴美留学生——容闳、清华大学第一任校长——唐国安、中华民国首任内阁总理——唐绍仪等一批在中国近代史上闻名 ...

Zhuhai is a city rich in cultural heritages. For more than 400 years, Zhuhai has been an important “corridor” for Eastern and Western cultures and trade. It is home to Yung Wing, the first Chinese student to study in the US; Tong Kwo On, the first president of Tsinghua University; Tong Shao Yi, the first cabinet prime minister of the Republic of China and other important figures famous overseas in China's modern history. Blended with diverse cultures, Zhuhai has built up a vibrant characteristic. 

老街、修车摊、汽车  A Glimpse of Doumen Old Street
摄影师:黄卫红   Photographer:Huang Weihong
北山千人寿宴  Birthday Banquet for Zhuhai Senior Citizens at Beishan Village
摄影师:吴兵  Photographer:Wu Bin  

斗门水上婚礼  Wedding on the River in Doumen District
摄影师:吴忠民  Photographer:Wu Zhongmin


Ranking among top 5 of its kind across the world, the China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition has been successfully held for 12 sessions in Zhuhai. The WTA Elite Trophy, the Mozart Competition for Young Musicians, the Chimelong International Circus Festival and other international events are attracting the attention of people across the world. 

痴迷  Fascinated Audience of China Air Show 
摄影师:文智诚   Photographer:Wen Zhicheng 

歼十翱翔  Soaring J-10 Fighter Jet
摄影师:张剑  Photographer:Zhang Jian 

群雄争霸  Competing at Tour of China Road Cycling Race
摄影师:何志刚  Photographer:He Zhigang

冲锋  Full Speed Ahead at Pan Delta Super Racing Festival
摄影师:黄章明  Photographer:Huang Zhangming 

龙舟勇士  Warriors of Zhuhai Dragon Boat Tournament
摄影师:张欣燕  Photographer:Zhang Xingyan 






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