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中国·珠海故事《宜居之城 A Livable City》

2019-5-6 16:10| 发布者:cphoto| 查看:4884| 评论:0|来自: 感知珠海

摘要:珠海始终坚持生态优先发展理念,拥有最丰富的海洋、海岸线和海岛资源,保持着山海相拥、陆岛相望、城乡相映的自然风光,空气质量稳居全国前列,曾荣获 “国际改善居住环境最佳范例奖”“国家生态园林城市”“中国最 ...
珠海始终坚持生态优先发展理念,拥有最丰富的海洋、海岸线和海岛资源,保持着山海相拥、陆岛相望、城乡相映的自然风光,空气质量稳居全国前列,曾荣获 “国际改善居住环境最佳范例奖”“国家生态园林城市”“中国最具幸福感城市”等殊荣,是珠三角生态环境最好、平安幸福指数最高、发展潜力巨大的城市之一。

Zhuhai has been committing itself to ecological development, boasting rich resources of ocean, coastal line and islands. Surrounded by mountains, the ocean, scattering islands, Zhuhai enjoys a mixture of urban and rural scenery. The city’s air quality has consistently ranked among the top in China. Having won “the International Award for Best Practice in Improving the Living Environment”, “the National Ecological Garden City”, “The Top 10 Happiest Cities in China”, etc. Zhuhai, in the Pearl River Delta, enjoys the best ecological environment, the highest security and happiness index, and great potential for development.

香炉湾之晨  Xianglu Bay in the Morning
摄影师:和亚妹  Photographer:He Yamei 

渔女夜色  Fishing Girl Statue at Night
摄影师:陈智  Photographer:Chen Zhi 

浮石湾  Pumice Bay on Wanshan Islands
摄影师:刘宏   Photographer:Liu Hong 

浪漫外伶仃岛  The Romance of Outer Lingding Island
摄影师:邓树宁   Photographer: Deng Shuning 

生态和谐情侣路  Eco-friendly Lovers’ Road
摄影师:文燕   Photographer:Wen Yan

霞映大剧院Sunset Glow at Zhuhai Opera House  
摄影师:吴奕生   Photographer:Wu Yisheng

璀璨夜色  Bright Night View at Zhuhai Opera House
摄影师:张欣燕  Photographer:Zhang Xingyan

白石桥  Zhuhai Baishi Bridge
摄影师:朱泽辉   Photographer: Zhu Zehui 

生态家园  Green Homeland
摄影师:谢儒侦   Photographer:Xie Ruzhen 

晨练  Morning Exercises at Xiangshan Park
摄影师:甘耀辉  Photographer:Gan Yaohui 

珠海天空之境  Sky Mirrorred at Zhuhai Coast
摄影师:沈松发   Photographer:Shen Songfa 

人与大海  People on the Beach
摄影师:黎观威  Photographer:Li Guan Wei 

暖阳  A Walk at the Coastal Park
摄影师:唐群生  Photographer:Tang Qunsheng

悠然之乐  A Joyful Ride at Green Lane
摄影师:吴兵   Photographer:Wu Bin 

梦想在湾区放飞  Dream Flying High in Greater Bay Area
摄影师:谢泉山   Photographer:Xie Quanshan

因为爱情   A Walk on Lovers’ Road
摄影师:杨国雄  Photographer:Yang Guoxiong

瞧着一家子  With My Rhesus Monkey Friends on the Dan’gan Island
摄影师:文智诚   Photographer:Wen Zhicheng

春满上洲  Spring Settles in Shangzhou Village
摄影师:黎彤  Photographer:Li Tong 

晒虾劳作  Drying Shrimps
摄影师:陈俊书   Photographer:Chen Junshu

围网养殖  Enclosure Aquaculture
摄影师:陈俊书  Photographer:Chen Junshu

喜丰收  A Good Banana Harvest
摄影师:张月明  Photographer:Zhang Yueming 






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