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中国·珠海故事 《开放之城 An Open City》

2019-5-6 16:49| 发布者:cphoto| 查看:6236| 评论:0|来自: 感知珠海

摘要:珠海是中国最早的四个经济特区之一、“一带一路”倡议规划的战略支点和粤港澳大湾区建设重要节点城市,拥有横琴自由贸易试验片区、保税区、珠澳跨境工业区等一系列对外开放平台。珠海横琴被赋予推进粤港澳深度合作示 ...

As one of the four earliest special economic zones in China, a strategic fulcrum of the Belt and Road initiative and a pivotal city in the Greater Bay Area, Zhuhai has opened up platforms including the Hengqin Pilot Free Trade Zone, one bonded area and the Zhuhai-Macao Cross Border Industrial Zone.Hengqin of Zhuhai shoulders the important mission as a showcase of the in-depth cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. 

十字门一角  A Corner of Zhuhai Shizimen CBD
摄影师:朱少基  Photographer:Zhu Shaoji 

晨光下的金融岛  The Hengqin Finance Island in the Morning Sunlight
摄影师:朱少基  Photographer:Zhu Shaoji

珠海会展中心  Zhuhai Convention and Exhibition Center
摄影师:刘宏  Photographer:Liu Hong 

靓丽横琴二桥  The Beautiful Hengqin No.2 Bridge
摄影师:柴静  Photographer:Chai Jing 
濠江之夜  Night View of Zhuhai and Macao  
摄影师:朱泽辉  Photographer:Zhu Zehui 

珠澳风光  Joint Splendor of Zhuhai and Macao
摄影师:陈智  Photographer:Chen Zhi 


Zhuhai has the largest land port--- the Gongbei Port, an airport with an annual passenger throughput over 10 million, a port with an annual cargo throughput over 100 million tons , and linking freight railways, intercity railways and expressways. With a comprehensive transportation system covering sea, land, air and railway transportation, Zhuhai has become a hub city on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary.

拱北口岸  Gongbei Port
摄影师:张月明  Photographer:Zhang Yueming 

万吨码头  Gaolan Port
摄影师:朱泽辉  Photographer:Zhu Zehui

神华粤电珠海港  Shenhua Yudean Zhuhai Port Coal Dock
摄影师:黎观威  Photographer:Li Guanwei


The world's longest cross-sea bridge, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (the Bridge), traversing the Lingdingyang sea area, connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. The three cities have been integrated into a new international metropolitan area.

港珠澳大桥中国结  Chinese Knot Tower of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
摄影师:林峰  Photographer:Lin Feng

珠帘般的美丽画卷-港珠澳大桥  The Beautiful Night View of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
摄影师:朱泽辉  Photographer:Zhu Zehui 

港珠澳大桥东人工岛  East Artificial Island of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
摄影师:黄昆震  Photographer:Huang Kunzheng






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